Tuesday, October 24, 2017


My apologies in lack of updates lately.  I feel like our fall life is into a little schedule of school/after school activities, but there isn't anything super post-worthy to discuss.

So, here's to life lately...

We are still in the temporary apartment- we are in our home stretch and aiming to move back into our house in about three weeks!  Apartment life sans summer pool is a little hairy because the kids truly NEED somewhere to run around and play.  We live a very outdoor life at our home where the kids play outside a lot.  My lack of ability to be able to say, "Go out and play!" has been tiresome and we do a lot of after school activities and park time between 3 and 8pm to try to get the wiggles out.
Apartment life has also been sweet for a number of reasons.  One, we don't need a lot of stuff in our life.  I like the creativity that cultivates from a cardboard box, tape, and markers/crayons.  Two, Palmer and Grace have learned to sleep in the same room and that skill is nice to have for when we travel and visit friends.

To further complicate things, Rick has been traveling a ton for work so we are pretty much on our own during the week.

But, really.  We are SOO ready to move back in.  The house is looking great and I look forward to posting pictures in the future.  Some previews for now.

Palmer and Grace no longer live in closets.  In fact, they have 11 foot ceilings in each of their rooms!


Kitchen preview...
We are excited to put all of the finishing touches on and get back in there!

Meanwhile, after school activities have included Spanish for both kids, golf, tennis, and ballet.
Tennis drills for Palmer has been a great opportunity for me to get to practice my new hobby with my new team on the neighboring court.  We just wrapped up our first season of matches and even though we didn't win a ton, we learned a lot and had fun.
Other random October thoughts...

Palmer participated in the school karaoke show again.  He was going to dance like last year and let his buddy sing.  But, his buddy dropped out minutes before so Palmer went up and sang despite a last minute role change and audio problems.
Dress up fun and play dates for all...

We celebrated the upcoming birth of our new niece, Blakely.  She is due on December 23rd.
I gave up on teaching Palmer how to tie his shoes and brought in the pros.  Shoe tying class at Nordstrom!
Fall festival fun.


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