Monday, January 8, 2018

Discussion Time

Over the weekend, Palmer, Grace, and I sat down to go over a few questions.  Enjoy.

What is something your moms says a lot?
You're cute.

What makes mom happy? Birthday presents

What makes mom sad? 
Frustrating you
When I don’t listen to you

How tall am I?
Really really really tall
This tall

How old am I?

How does your mom make you laugh? 
Silly things

What was your mom like as a child? 
Curly hair

What is her favorite thing to do? 
Play with Palmer and grace

What makes me proud of you?
When we complete a goal

What does your mom do when you're not around? 
Go to work

If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? 
TV stuff

What makes you proud of your mom? 
Helping our family have clothing and other stuff

At what is your mom really good? 

At what is your mom not very good? 

What does your mom do for a job? 
TV commercials

What is your mom's favorite food? 
Salad and yogurt

Do I have a favorite child?
(Each child says their own name)

What's my favorite song?
Girls on fire
Say say say say hey now baby

How do you annoy me?
When we don’t listen

What is my favorite movie?
Greatest Showman

Where was I born?
In a hospital

Who's my best friend?

What scares me?
Spiders and monsters

How do you describe me to your friends?
Black hair and dark brown eyes

If your mom were a character, who would she be? 
Old McDonald or a beautiful girl

What do you and your mom do together? 
Homework and unpack luggage on trips

Where is your mom's favorite place to go? 
The nail place

How do you know your mommy loves you?
She just does.


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