Last week was full of milestones. It seems like we've worked for months on some of these achievements and then in a very short few days, everything came together.
1. WALKING: Palmer took as many as 10 steps in a row. It's so fun to watch Palmer get more confident and brave. Here is a video of Palmer taking a few steps:
3. SIPPY CUP: I'm not sure what is more fun, drinking out of the cup or throwing the cup. But, I digress. Palmer mastered drinking water from a sippy cup and out of a straw.
4. EAR INFECTION: Not all milestones are fun. This one was not. A trip to the pediatrician confirmed that Palmer was on the cusp of a double ear infection. Antibiotics are in effect now!
5. FROZEN YOGURT: All sick patients need some frozen yogurt to cheer them up when in distress. :) Thanks, Daddy!