Thursday, October 24, 2013

"George Monkey"

Over the past few months, Palmer has become very attached to "George Monkey" (also known as Curious George).  He loves to read the Curious George books and watch the TV shows and movies.

(One day, he even creepily kept grabbing onto a friend's Curious George dress at playgroup.  He couldn't believe she was wearing George on her dress!)

So, imagine Palmer's delight when I remembered that we already have a "Curious George" stuffed monkey upstairs in a box.

You might remember this monkey:
Palmer could not believe his luck that George was in his very own house.  Since the introduction, George has been a constant companion in Palmer's life.  Often, Palmer is seen explaining or showing something to George.
"Palmer, what does George say?"
"Oooh Oooh, Ahh Ahh Ahh!!"
George got to meet an airplane pilot:
And there is a great Curious George exhibit at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.  My mom took Palmer (and George!) to see George's neighborhood and meet the other George's.  Apparently, Palmer did not want to leave and was promised they would come back one day soon.
George can't always come with us on our outings. When George has to stay behind, we make sure he is sitting on the steps waiting for Palmer to return. (Note this was Palmer's idea and also where Palmer sits to wave good bye to Rick when he goes to work in the mornings.)

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