Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby Food

We introduced rice cereal last week.  Overall, Palmer liked it.  He made the obligatory "what the heck is this??" face and then went about his business.  Until he sort of choked.  Then, Rick and I panicked and realized we really needed to re-visit our infant CPR training.
We resolved to brushing up on YouTube before we introduced the cereal again.  A week later, we are more educated and back at it again.  As you can see from the video, Palmer is very curious and prefers to hold the spoon himself.  An independent one, he is.
Palmer and Boston continue to get along famously.  (AKA Palmer gets in Boston's business and Boston takes it.)  Check out the sweet pictures of their budding friendship.

PORK AND SCALLION POT STICKERS:  This dish requires patience when filling the wrappers with the pork/veggie combo.  Luckily, my sister is better at projects like these and assembled the pot stickers after I threw together the filling.  I recommend picking a Sunday afternoon to put everything together, pop them in the freezer uncooked, and pull out a few as needed when you are ready to cook and eat.  http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/pork-scallion-pot-stickers


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