Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Independence Day

We had such a fun 4th of July.  

The morning was filled with a neighborhood parade.  "Dad, are you sure this is the best way to get everything to the parade?"
Sweet friends waiting for the parade to start:
The moms had the bright idea to plop the kids in the wagon for a photo op.  Bad idea.
The key to a happier snapshot is to give the kids their space and feed everybody crackers.
Palmer sat still during the parade and was mesmerized by the entire lineup. 
It was a bit different than last year's parade experience:
Little Miss Evie thought the parade was pretty interesting, too.  She is so precious.

 The motley crew:
After a quick BBQ lunch and nap, we headed over to the club for the evening.  It was such a fun evening of swimming and friends and American gluttony.
And after a very interesting post-bedtime hour with the young kiddos...
...the fireworks began. The show was truly spectacular as the spectacle was thrown about 50 feet in front of us and played out right over our heads.

Palmer was absolutely hilarious.  The minute the fireworks began, Palmer intently studied the explosions.  He didn't cry once.  Instead, he sat and watched with a very very serious face.  It was pretty hysterical.
And five minutes later, the fireworks "soothed" him to sleep.
Good night, sweet boy and a happy 4th of July to you.

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